How long am I without power before the generator is running and producing voltage?

How long am I without power before the generator is running and producing voltage?

Automatic Standby Generator Operation

The automatic standby generator operates as follows:

Upon detecting a complete utility outage lasting more than five seconds, the generator initiates the engine start-up process. Once the engine reaches the required speed and voltage output, it signals the transfer switch to change position. This transition typically takes 6 to 10 seconds. Once on generator power, the system monitors the utility for 20 seconds to ensure a stable return. It is designed to avoid frequent switching between utility and generator power, prioritizing stability.

After the transfer switch returns to utility power, the generator continues running for one minute to complete a cool-down cycle, ensuring readiness for any subsequent power outages.

The delayed transfer process helps prevent power fluctuations and surges that could damage electrical components in the home. While some delays can be adjusted, most are factory-set and can only be modified by authorized dealers accessing the controller menus.